英語受け答えスキルUP🡽 トレーニング』のカリキュラムはこちら:

Part I: Understand the Skills

Get into the Right Mindset [Video Lecture #1]

5 Steps for Responding to Questions [Video Lecture #2]

Step 1: Listen [Video Lecture #3Exercise #1-3]

Step 2: Understand the Questions

Step 2-1: Functions [Video Lecture #4Exercise #4Checkpoint Task #1]

Step 2-2: Grammar [Video Lecture #5Exercise #5Checkpoint Task #2]

Step 2-3: Integrate  Functions and Grammar [Video Lecture #6, Exercise #6]

Step 3: Find Your Focus [Video Lecture #7Exercise #7]

Step 4: Give a Clear Response

Step 4-1: ACE Format Overview [Video Lecture #8, Exercise #8]

Step 4-2: Answer [Video Lecture #9Exercise #9-10Checkpoint Task #3]

Step 4-3: Clarify [Video Lecture #10Exercise #11-13Checkpoint Task #4]

Step 4-4: End [Video Lecture #11Exercise #14-15Checkpoint Task #5]

Step 4-5: acknowledge [Video Lecture #12Exercise #16-17]

Step 4-6: When you don’t know the answer [Video Lecture #13Exercise #18-19Checkpoint Task #6]

Step 5: Reflect on Your Response [Video Lecture #14Exercise #20Checkpoint Task #7]


Step 4-2: Give a Clear Response (A = Answer)

Part II: Train the Skills

Training Room 1

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7/Checkpoint Task #8

Training Room 2

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7/Checkpoint Task #9

Training Room 3

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7/Checkpoint Task #10

Final Tips & Message [Video Lecture #15]


Scenario: At a networking event 

Training Room 3, Session 2

『英語受け答えスキルUP🡽 トレーニング』受講の3つのオプションはこちらをご覧ください。